Clandestine Flights from Bromma

vistors book 1 025


Can you identify these signatures? Email me your suggestions and I’ll let you know if you’re right.

Great work being carried out by Trevor Baker with his research into clandestine flights from Bromma in Sweden to RAF Leuchars in Scotland. Needless to say it was the best method of travel for those going to and from Sweden at the beginning of the war. Trevor owns the Visitors Book that was kept in the Officers’ Mess at RAF Leuchars. It contains almost 3,800 signatures including about 800 relating to Bromma-Leuchars flights and SOE. Trevor has so far uncovered many of the clandestine flights that took place and identified the passengers who were onboard (many using code names). The work that Trevor has carried out to date is totally unprecedented anywhere. Interestingly, Trevor has painstakingly researched the names of the agents involved along with their original SOE missions from the files released by the National Archives in the UK. It really is an outstanding piece of detective work that has opened up a previously little known part of our British and Norwegian war history.

Trevor has created a scanned copy of the Visitors Book and will make this (and his research) available online if there’s sufficient interest.

December 2014: There has been significant development with this project with many names of SOE agents and others, and their stories, being added. In short, there is nothing else quite like it. Historically, it has raised the bar to new heights. I will be adding further details shortly.

May 2015: I will be back in Norway to carry out research at the archives in Oslo during May. The work has progressed very well with many agents identified from their cover names and signatures.

May 2017: Recently, a very large batch of HS9 files – agent files – has been released from The National Archives at Kew. These new files have revealed some interesting characters in their own right, but also of others who flew the clandestine flights.

"Harald Espeli in his article about Norges Bank under okkupasjonen [occupation] mentions your work as the most thorough study of the gold transport."

Professor Dag Tangen – School of Business & Economics, Oslo