
Hello and welcome to my website and thank you for taking an interest. Hopefully, you will find this site to be informative, useful and helpful to your own research.  As you will see I am passionate about Norway during WW2 and the roles that the Norwegians and British played during the war and in particular the rescue of the Norwegian state gold in 1940, Naval Intelligence and Special Operations Executive – better known as SOE. Currently, I am working on a manuscript about a very unusual British naval officer, Patrick Dalzel-Job. His war starts in Norway with the saving of approximately 5,000 townsfolk of Narvik. For his endeavours, Patrick was awarded the ‘Kongelige Norske St. Olavs Orden’ (Order of St Olavs Medal) by King Haakon. His close association with Norway continued throughout the war via MTBs raids and x-craft. Later, he spied on the Germans from an island off the west coast of Norway.


It was at this point that he came to the attention of Commander Ian Fleming – creator of James Bond – working with Fleming`s 30 Assault Unit from Normandy through to Germany with many adventures in between. All being well, I plan to complete the manuscript this year.

Thank you for taking the time to have a look and if I can be of any help then please don`t hesitate to contact me.

Bob Pearson

"I recommend reading the book as the definitive work on the event."

Turid Wammer – Norges Bank representative writing to Sweet Films in response to their request on gold transport information